Travelling Makes Us Far Happier Than Any Material Wealth Ever DoesIn this age of consumerism, and augmented with ecommerce, it is so easy for everyone to make a purchase as soon as we have some money in our wallets (ewallets count). With each purchase, we feel a little happier, but more often than not, that happiness or satisfaction dissipates within a week or two. It turns out that the cause of this (dissipation) lies with adaptation. As soon as the stuff that we buy becomes ordinary, the satisfaction that we get with it diminshes. Then we are back to square one - pursuing that momentary pleasure with the next purchase. However, research carried out at Cornell University has found a way around this vicious cycle. Psychology professor Thomas Gilovich revealed that we experience the same increase in happiness when we buy something (we want) and also when we travel. The more significant finding -- was that the amount of happiness that we get from our buys diminishes over time, but the memories of our travelling experience continues to linger and persist, and this makes us more fulfilled and happy over a prolonged time. Deriving Joy from Experiences
Making plans for events and experiences, travelling and going on trips, and trying our new things -- all these manifest as new sources of joy and happiness for all of us. While a new toy or device will become normal, every new memory will contribute to the happiness bank that will make us really really happy for the rest of our lives.
When you’re on a quest for self-improvement, there are countless books, apps, methods, etc., out there that promise to “fix” you, or help you become the best you you can be. Bullet journals, meditation apps, yoga studios, books promising to help you “get your shit together”—there’s no shortage of products, services and experiences to buy in our culture.
But what if, rather than acquire new hobbies or projects, you turned to your old interests and pursued them with fervor and commitment? What if you tried that for a whole year? That’s what David Cain proposed on his blog, Raptitude. He wrote that the idea, which he deemed a Depth Year, immediately “caught fire.” With a Depth Year, you’re going “deeper rather than wider”: The “Depth Year” was supposed to be hypothetical—a reflection on how our consumer reflexes tend to spread our aspirations too thin. Because it’s so easy to acquire new pursuits, we tend to begin what are actually enormous, lifelong projects (such as drawing, or language-learning) too often, and abandon them too easily.
Not purchasing new things is key, but perhaps more important, Cain writes, is the recognition that “depth” has a different meaning to everyone. For some, it could mean embracing what you have and holding off on buying new toys. “To others it’s a more general pruning of waste, a suspicion of the impulse to acquire, and a refocusing on what really matters,” he writes.
The goal is go deeper with your current goals and hobbies—reading the books you already have, practicing more yoga poses rather than trying meditation for the first time, etc.—to stay the course, and “cultivate” the value of the things we’re already engaged in.
Cain writes that for him, the Depth Year helped him create “a new lens for looking at the tools and opportunities that had always been there.” Possibility was everywhere, he writes, when you learn to look for it. This type of shift in perspective can help you overcome our culture’s constant need for more and better. Instead of thinking about what you don’t have or cannot do, you go deeper with what you already have, and can do. INTRODUCTION TO RESVERATROLThere are many documented benefits to taking Resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant has been shown to help combat premature ageing. Resveratrol can also fight off free radicals and prevent cancer. But how much resveratrol should you take? (Wellaholic offers our W+ Resveratrol supplements in our online store. This powerful Resveratrol supplement is also included in our Elight Facial Collagen Boost PRESTIGE plan). MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH RESVERATROLInterestingly, I first read about Resveratrol in 2006 via an online research report. Fascinated by the research done by Dr Sinclair at the Harvard Medical School, I gathered many sources of information to understand the science behind how reseveratrol work. I then decided to give resveratrol a try, and have been taking it for the past thirteen years on a daily basis, based on 100mg to 200mg. Recently I have decided to up my dosage to 400mg as it seems to have really help me slow down my ageing process. Of course there could be other factors as well, but I would attribute resveratrol as one of the factors contributing to this. RESVERATROL DOSAGE ACCORDING TO SCIENCE AND RESEARCH At the moment, resveratrol is still the subject of extensive ongoing research. Much of this centers around the optimum healthy dosage required by humans to attainthe various health benefits associated with it. Studies on mice have shown that resveratrol in high doses can increase longevity and play and active role in the prevention of disease and cander. Mice on high fat diets, when supplemented with resveratrol, showed increased survival and insulin sensitivity, as compared to mice that were not. In other rodent studies, anti-ageing effects were observed in mice which received a human equivalent of as little as 20mg of resveratrol a day. HOW DOES RESVERATROL WORK? Resveratrol has a relationship with apoptosis cells (cell death as part of the natural growth and development of the cell). In many studies, it is shown that at a lower dose, resveratrol acts as an anti-apoptotic agent. This protects the heart by increasing cell survival proteins. Also evident at higher doses is the capacity for resveratrol to hinder the growth of existing tumours. Thus, at lower dose, resveratrol can be very useful in maintain not only human health but also slowing down the ageing process. HOW MUCH RESVERATROL TO TAKE? In health science circles, 20mg of resveratrol a day is generally agreed to be an appropriate dosage for an adult. This is the lowest effective dosage.
Alternative to taking supplements, you can also drink red wine. However, 30ml of standard red wine averages around 90 micrograms of resveratrol Hence you will need to take 41 glasses of red wine a day to achieve the same effect! Wellaholic's W+ Resveratrol contains 200mg of daily resveratrol (a month's supply) which can exert impressive changes in critically important genes involved in varous ageing processes and degenerative diseases. INTRODUCTIONHair removal used to be strictly a female thing. Unless you are a bodybuilding, a swimmer or a cyclist who requires a clean, shaving body look for competitive reasons, you might not consider hair removal. However, in this modern day, more and more men are opting for the same grooming rights as women. This includes having a smooth skin. DIFFERENT MALES HAVE DIFFERENT HAIR REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS There is an increase in men with various hair removal requirements. Some men do not necessarily want all body hair removed. For example, we have some customers who increasingly want their chest and back hair thinning (and not totally removed). Then there are customers who want a full body permanent hair removal, including boyzilian. (Boyzilian is a common term for permanent hair removal for the private area, including the groin and the butt area). There are also male customers who have specific requests, such as SHR on their eyebrows. This is because they want to take away the unibrow look. THERE ARE HYGIENE REASONS TOO! Another reason to why more males are getting their body hair removal is because of hygiene. Some guys find that manscaping helps them relieve irritating. Hair removal helps to reduce bushiness and any itchiness that can be accentuated by sweating, especially during the hot humit Singapore weather, or after exercise. GETTING RID OF IRRITATING INGROWN HAIRS The other common reason would be ingrown hairs. A lot of guys want to have less hair to make shaving easier. This is especially so when they have ingrown hairs at their chin or neck areas. Laser hair removal is the only effective way to treat a condition called PFD (pseudofolliculitis barbae). This is a condition where clusters of red, inflamed or dark bumps appear around hair follicles after shaving. LASER HAIR REMOVAL AND SUPER HAIR REMOVAL (SHR) While waxing is the traditional means of temporary hair removal, which requires monthly visits to the waxing salon, laser hair removal has become the defacto solution for permanent hair removal. Laser hair removal such as Wellaholic's SHR or Super Hair Removal uses laser light energy to penetrate the hair shaft. This travels down to the follicle and kills the hair root, where the hair growth starts. While another hair can grow in its place, it is very difficult. Hence, laser hair removal can last a fairly long time, and even permanently. Laser hair removal is a procedure where a specific beam of light bypasses the epidermis and targets the follicle. This disables the reproductive cycle of the hair without hurting the skin. As laser hair removal destroys the follicle, the hair shaft becomes weak and limp, and with repeated treatments - about 8 to 12 treatments - the follicle dies and no hair grows. USING LASER HAIR REMOVAL TO STOP HAIR GROWTH OR THIN OUT HAIR Laser hair removal has the flexibility to either permanently stop hair groth, or just thin out hair. In fact, other than electrolysis, laser hair removal is the only hair removal treatment that allows for thinning, rather than complete removal. UNDERSTANDING THE HAIR GROWTH CYCLE FOR BETTER HAIR REMOVALA point to note is that we usually say that customers will get permanent hair reduction. This is because what happens is that when one follicle dies, there might be another one next to it that may regenerate itself. Hair grows in different cycles so at any time, 30 to 60 percent of the hair is in the anagen growth cycle stage. The laser is targeting the hairs in the growth stage. The dead ones that are dead will shed after a few weeks. By the time you go for your next appointment (recommended 30 days later, to time with the hair growth cycle), the hairs that were in their growth stage will now by in their dormant or dying stage. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO BEFORE YOUR FIRST SHR HAIR REMOVAL APPOINTMENT? Shaving. It is important to shave the area that you are getting treated before the appointment. At Wellaholic, we also provide a shaving service at a nominal fee, but we recommend customers to shaving before the treatment if possible. You want to have short hair so that when the light and energy goes through it, there is enough left to target the follicles. UPDATE ON YOUR SKIN COLOUR AND ETHNICITY TO DETERMINE THE RIGHT SHR SETTINGS Lasers work differently on light and dark skins. People with fair skin will fall under Type 1, 2 and 3 and responds best to shorter wavelength (755 nanometers), which is easy on the skin and also effective on light hair. On the other hand, people with dark skin will fall under Type 4, 5 and 6 (where Type 4 is Indian, and Type 5 and 6 being African American). In this case, we will use a wavelength that bypasses the epidermis and has a long pulse like the 1064 nanometers and safe on their type of skin. WELLAHOLIC'S SUPER HAIR REMOVAL We hope that this article on permanent hair removal for males has been a useful read for you. Wellaholic offers full body permanent hair removal with our Unlimited SHR Prestige and Deluxe plans. These plans are designed to be cost-efficient yet effective. A 12-month plan will also automatically qualify you for our Lifetime Maintain Mode Program!
DOES YOUR FACE SPARK JOY? People all over the world are now decluttering their lives, thanks to Netflix series "Tidying up with Marie Kondo." Marie, a bestselling author from Japan, helps to get different families to sort out and declutter. This includes clearing and sorting out their piles of clothing, books and even treasured items. "Sparking Joy" is an often repeated term on the series, as Marie proclaims her mission using her konmari method to help spark joy in the world. As we move from sorting out our homes, it is time to take a look at the mirror; have a close look at your face under bright light. Ask yourself, does your face spark joy? Are you trulysatisfied with your appearance? Or are there lines and blemishes that you can clear away instead? Let us help! In this article, we will share 7 methods to help you take great care of your skin, on a daily basis. It's time to spark joy with your face! 7 METHODS TO HELP YOUR FACE SPARK JOY |
AuthorI am MrWildy and I am trying to journal more about my life and also my travels. Find out more about me here. Categories
August 2024